Hi, I’m Ken from Kens Designs.
I will show you how your home can be transformed into what your family needs!
I am happy to be celebrating 30 years specializing in drawing room-additions, accessory dwelling units, and plans for remodels in Orange County, CA.
What makes my plans different?
I am a small business and plan to stay that way. I measure and design each job myself.
A great design is critical. each design must be based on the proper city codes from your local planning and building department and of course the California state building codes.
This is my specialty!
Let me sit down with you and your family & figure out your wish list. I will then put together multiple different plans for you to choose the perfect one for you.

A few Testimonials for Kens Home and Remodel Designs.
Dan Dufrene was able to sell his house for more money and faster after his room additions.
Another happy Kens Designs customer.
Tim and his wife couldn’t be happier with their remodel designed by Ken for their house in Brea.
Have Ken Draw Your House Plans
Words of Wisdom for Your Orange County Remodel
The Tip Series
The Benefits of Multiple Plans for Orange County Additions
Why is it important to get more than 1 or 2 designs for Orange County Additions?Most designers have a tendency to sit down with the homeowner, get a few pieces of information and get one or 2 designs. For the most part they can design what the homeowner wants or even...
Orange County Home Remodeling: Why Won’t Contractors Call Me Back?
Orange County Home Remodeling Why Won't Contractors Call Me Back? I get calls from Orange County home remodeling clients all the time that are trying to put a room addition together, asking me, why contractors don't seem to call them back. Or a contractor says he...
Home remodeling in Orange County? Here are the first steps.
Wondering how to get started on your kitchen, bath, or addition home remodeling in Orange County? I tell people that the first thing to do is to get some information about your city. Every city is different. They have different regulations and codes. Take setbacks...
Remodeling in Orange County? How to Pick The Best Contractor
I've been in the business of remodeling in Orange County now for just over 25 years and have worked with 50 to 100 different contractors, some good, some not so good. 8 out of 10 I wouldn't have work on anyone's house, but a few are good. You need to educate yourself....
Will an Orange County Remodel Raise Your School Taxes?
One of the most frequent questions I get asked is about school taxes. School taxes are something that was passed about 15 or 20 years ago. If you're doing an Orange County Remodel that includes a room addition, chances are you'll have to pay school taxes. Every city...