
Here are a few of our testimonials from our remodeling plan customers in Orange County.

Let the world know what you think about Kens Designs below or at our Google Places Page or on Yelp.

Dan and his wife were able to sell their home faster and for more money due to the great Orange County remodeling designs and plans they had completed through Ken.

Brad and Danie got some great ideals for their room addition and remodel through Kens Designs.

Another happy Orange County room addition plans customer.

Tim and his wife love the room addition and remodel they had done with Kens plans.

Gary Simco from Laguna Niguel recommends Kens Designs for planning your room addition in Orange County, CA

Victor and Olivia love the Orange County remodeling plans they had done by Ken.

Call Us

Call Ken for a Successful and Affordable Remodel (714) 931-0295

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